Thursday, November 4, 2010

Great Discussion of Progressive Disappointment with Obama, Democrats

Really interesting clip from the Dylan Ratigan show, with some great points being raised by panelists Cenk Uygur (The Young Turks) and Glenn Greenwald ( about the disappointment of Progressives from the last two years.


  1. Greenwald is great.

    At least Oregon didn't quite go over a cliff. Dudley wouldn't have even been fun to watch in his unreadiness for the job.

  2. Aside from some ballot measures and our state legislature's shift, we held out pretty well here in Oregon. Dudley would have been tough to watch, although seeing his weird tallness in all the photos would have been some small consolation.

    As it is, I'll be forever stuck with the idea of him eating a big taco platter at some Hillsboro Mexican place.

  3. This episode of the Dylan show is all over the net on Progressive blogs now. I think it must have struck a chord with people. I know it did with me. I almost stood up cheering the first time I watched it. It's time things changed and we Progressives were listened to.

  4. I sure hope so! I don't believe we're served well by having a bunch of pseudo Republicans serving as Democrats in the congress, and I think that having a clear, strong progressive message out there would help Americans understand how our values will improve the country. If people think the "meh" results of the last two or four years are a reflection of the left, it's no wonder they voted us out! While there was some progress, it wasn't much, and the narrative certainly was controlled by the right. If there's anything to come from this defeat, it should be that we need to speak loud and clear on what we stand for.
